The new breed of startup studio turning ideas into tangible realities,challenging the status quo & boldly stepping into uncharted business territories.
Who Are We ?
Tyrannix is your one-stop-shop for getting your trailblazing startup from the idea bubble in your brain to a rocking reality. We're talkin' full spectrum support - from product research, design and development, to that sweet, sweet UI and UX design that'll have your users coming back for more.

We've also got your back with Tech Services that won't leave you high and dry, and Marketing strategies that are more than just jazz hands
We're not just about the flashy stuff. We'll be there when the rubber hits the road, helping you set up your operations & ensuring your venture runs smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy.
Product Design & Research
In the labyrinth of Product Research & Design, we're the torchbearers, navigating the potential ideas waiting to disrupt. Our crew dives deep, crafting products that break the mold and resonate with the crowd.
◈ UI Design
◈ UX Design
◈ UX Consultancy
◈ Design System
◈ Animation
◈ Illustrations
Technology & Development
When it comes to Tech and Product Development, we're the tech-savvy alchemists transforming ideas into solid solutions. Backed by a team of code-wizards, we weave tech magic that marries robustness with wow-factor.
◈ UI Design
◈ UX Design
◈ UX Consultancy
◈ Design System
◈ Animation
◈ Illustrations
Gamification & Business
What's a cool product without user engagement? Nothing. That's why we dial up the 'fun' in functionality with our gamification strategies. Coupled with our Growth Hacking expertise, we ensure your venture's growth is more wildfire than a smoldering spark.
◈ UI Design
◈ UX Design
◈ UX Consultancy
◈ Design System
◈ Animation
◈ Illustrations
Lets Work Together
Let's disrupt, innovate, and create some cool stuff together. Strap in and let's blast off to a future that's anything but vanilla with Tyrannix.
Contact Us